„სიარპი ვუდი“ - ხის გადამამუშავებელი ქარხანა


გოლფის აკადემია, თელეთი

იფიქრე სწორად, აირჩიე საუკეთესო

იფიქრე სწორად, აირჩიე საუკეთესო

ყვარელი, რესტორანი

/ჩვენთან დაკავშირება
საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია
  • ქუთაისი, ნიკეას 21
  • ტელეფონი:
    • (0431) 23 64 02
    • 595 50 94 66
  • skype: crpwood
  • Facebook: Crpwood
  • Linkedin: Crpwood
ან მოგვმართოთ საკონტაქტო ფორმით


კომპანია „დომინო -DOMINO“-ს. ძირითადი მიმართულება სამშენებლო - სარემონტო მასალების საცალო და საბითუმო ვაჭრობა. ჰიპერმარკეტი განთავსებულია სავაჭრო ცენტრ "EAST POINT“-ის ტერიტორიაზე. ჰიპერმარკეტი დომინო თავის მომხმარბელს წარმოუდგენს 30 000 ზე მეტი დასახელების პროდუქციას. ასევე აღსანიშნავია რომ კომპანიას აქვს ლოიალურობის საკმაოდ მოქნილი სისტემა რაც ასევე დამატებითი პლიუსია მომხმარებლისთვის. ასევე მრავალი დამატებითი სერვისი, რომლითაც მომხმარებლისსთვის უფრო და უფრო მარტივი ხდება ერთ სივრცეში მთლიანი მომსახურების სპექტრის მიღება.



Milesi is a brand of the IVM Group, one of the largest and influential wood coatings manufacturers in Europe and in the world. Milesi products were born in 1947 in Italy, a country that has always been a point of reference in the furniture industry. These products were developed and perfected through constant interaction with local industry experts and designers who are appreciated all over the world. Milesi products are manufactured in the modern plant of Parona, in the province of Pavia, in Italy. They are then distributed in the Italian market, in Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. Milesi products are designed and developed by more than 200 chemists and technicians in the European Research and Development Laboratories of IVM Group, offering constant and highly specialized assistance.



The company HESS TIMBER GmbH & Co. KG looks back on an impressive company history. On April 1st, 2005, the general manager Mathias Hofmann took over the business fields of the two previous companies Hess Holzleimbau Technologie and wohnwerk GmbH (see the descriptions below) with the newly founded HESS-WOHNWERK GmbH & Co. KG. Very fortunately, the HESS company's 130 years of tradition continue to live on with the new company HESS TIMBER. The company is also making a positive contribution to the employment market situation in the region with its 80 employees. Since the new foundation in 2005, 40 additional jobs could be created. wohnwerk has been active in the area of project construction of wood facade structures since 2004. In this area, wohnwerk realised in conjunction with the other project partners the support structure for the world class department store Peek & Cloppenburg in Cologne. The close proximity to the Hess plant grounds with their large halls was also ideal for execution of the project.



For the building trade, the BTI Befestigungstechnik offers items for dowel technology, roofing and window installation, drilling, sawing, grinding, cutting, screwing and fastening technology, electrical installation technology, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, fire protection, chemical-technical products, tools, measuring - and testing technology, laser technology and power tools to. Furthermore, our product range contains products from the fields of workwear, outdoor, safety shoes and factory equipment.



STANCOLAC has been active in the field of varnishes, decorative-architectural paints and industrial coatings since 1980. To date we have accumulated over 30 years of experience. The wide range of STANCOLAC’s products, the excellent technical characteristics and the high quality along with the organized sales network and the quick service contributed to the continuous rising course of the company in the Greek market as well as in the international market. We have developed a successful exportation activity in the Balkans market (Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Fyrom etc), East Europe (Georgia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan), Central Europe (Austria) and in Cyprus.


World market

World market leader in the trade with connecting materials The Würth Group is world market leader in its core business, the trade in assembly and fastening material. It currently consists of over 400 companies in more than 80 countries and has over 67,000 employees on its payroll. 30,000 of these are permanently employed sales representatives. According to the Financial Statement, the Würth Group generated total sales of EUR 10.13 billion in the business year 2014.



KLEIBERIT adhesives are an now integral part of the world we live in. Today KLEBCHEMIE M. G. Becker GmbH & Co. KG is based in Weingarten Baden (Southern Germany) and also has one of the most modern and innovative research and production centres worldwide. Innovative adhesive systems for a wide field of applications are being developed in cooperation with, and produced for international customers. The product range is designed specifically for customer requirements and worldwide availability is ensured with an intelligent logistics concept.
